Kids on the Slope to adulthood

melodramatic romance, but it never feels forced nor patrionizing. The great scriptwriting makes you really feel like these could be real people because of the way situations and conversations are handeled. The pacing is superb, every scene feels meaningful and...

King Crimson: odissea submarina

Imatges psicodèliques dels seients i del públic de l’Auditori del Fòrum es veuen reflexades al seu sostre poligonal i vidriós que, semblant al mar, allotja aquesta nit a les seves profunditats a un referent del rock progressiu: King Crimson. Un trio de bateries...

Vagabond: a modern masterpiece

Slam Dunk, an incredibly compelling basketball manganime from the 90’s that enforced the idea that you can tell a great story with a sports background. Its author, the beastly Takehiko Inoue -who is well known and revered as one of the best mangakas of all time-...
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